njsbf new jersey state bar foundation logo a 501c3 non profit organization

Informed Citizens

are Better Citizens

njsbf senior citizens law day

Apply by Mar. 7

 NJSBF’s Nominating Committee invites NJSBA members and non-lawyers to apply for a trustee position.

njsbf upcoming events free publications

Registration Open

Free conferences, earn PD Credits. Apr. 9: New Teachers & School Counselors and Apr. 24: School & District Leaders.

njsbf upcoming events free publications

Mar. 7 Deadline

Honoring a lawyer, law-related professional or lay person who has made significant contributions.

njsbf medal of honor awards celebration

Apply by Apr. 10

New Jersey Law Students, meeting the NJSBF eligibility criteria, are invited to apply for one of 14 scholarships.

Foundation News & Updates

NJSBF Launches New Publication

NJSBF Launches New Publication

Constitutionally Speaking is the latest publication to be published by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. The first edition of the publication is...

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Court Night Grants Awarded

Court Night Grants Awarded

The New Jersey State Bar Foundation awarded grants to 11 affinity and county bar associations in New Jersey to support programs and events that...

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NJSBF Cosponsor Spotlight

NJSBF Cosponsor Spotlight

In its 50th year as a New Jersey theater company, Pushcart Players aims to expand its mission of bringing the arts to under-resourced schools in the...

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Save the Date

Medal of Honor Award Celebration

September 17, 2025  |  5:30-8:00 P.M.

Park Chateau, East Brunswick, NJ



njsbf law center

Learn about how the New Jersey Law Center came about in this short video from Vincent J. Apruzzese, Esq., a former NJSBF President, who led the drive to build center which opened in 1987.


njsbf highlight attorney volunteer opportunity
Make a Difference

Join our Speakers Bureau and share your legal expertise with schools, senior citizens, and community groups. Become a mentor and coach a Mock Trial team or Judge a mock trial competition.