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Informed Citizens

are Better Citizens

Cosponsorship Report Form

2021-2022 Cosponsorship Report Form

2021-2022 Cosponsorship Report Form

The New Jersey State Bar Foundation (the “Foundation”) requires that all grantees who have received funding from the Foundation for a project submit a quarterly report, including financial data and results.

Please submit the below information on the following dates: October 15, January 15, April 15 and July 15.

The Report must be certified and signed by the Board President or other Board Officer and the Project Manager.

Through the Cosponsorship program, we remain committed to broadening our public education campaign so that free legal information is available to New Jersey citizens statewide. We appreciate your efforts and look forward to our continued partnership so we can accomplish this goal together.

Reporting Period:
Project Report
This question should not exceed 2 paragraphs.
3. Attach a Narrative Report that describes in detail the work that was accomplished during this Reporting Period. Please make sure that the information provided is appropriate for publication. (The Foundation provides regular reports to the IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey about its grant funding, as well as to the Foundation Board, the Board of the New Jersey State Bar Association, and other supporters.)

4. You may attach any other material you produced during this Reporting Period related to the Project, such as press releases, advertisements, flyers, newsletter, videos, etc. If you have not already done so, please provide a written story or case study outlining how the grant directly impacted a client, which can be used for the Foundation’s marketing purposes. Make sure that all appropriate permissions have been obtained before submission.

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Expense Report
6. Attach a detailed financial report showing the budgeted amount for the Project, expenses for this Reporting Period, and year-to-date expenses. Please be precise and summarize all expenditures made. The expense items should be reported in the same categories as submitted in your grant application. The categories below are meant as guidelines.
Application Chart

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Please note that any unused funds must be returned to the Foundation within 30 days of the completion of the Project.
Please identify if you are a Board Member or Program Manager
I certify that the information in this Report is true and correct, and there have been no material adverse changes in financial condition since the Cosponsorship application was submitted or since the last quarterly Report.