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Informed Citizens

are Better Citizens

If you’re looking for civics material, the New Jersey State Bar Foundation has you covered from the First Amendment to the 27th! Its latest newsletter, The Bill of Rights Up Close, take a deep dive into the Bill of Rights. This 28-page newsletter contains 13 articles that explain each of the 10 amendments, with four articles devoted to the First Amendment alone.

Educators have three options on how to receive The Bill of Rights Up Close. A PDF can be downloaded from our Publications Page (just click on the Civics Publications toggle), the individual articles can all be found on The Informed Citizen, our civics blog and hard copies of the publication are also available. To order hard copies, please use our Publication Order Form.

What about amendments 11 through 27? We’ve got you covered there too. Our Beyond the Bill of Rights is a 24-page newsletter that that focuses on the 17 amendments added to the U.S. Constitution after the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791. Beyond the Bill of Rights also contains a bonus article on the Constitutional Convention and whether the U.S. Constitution needs a re-write. As with The Bill of Rights Up Close, Beyond the Bill of Rights can be downloaded and the individual articles can be found on The Informed Citizen. Hard copies of this publication, as well as our Bill of Rights Bulletin, which is for younger students, can be ordered via our Publication Order Form.

Questions or comment can be directed to jmiller@nsjbf.org.